For anyone who enjoys an intense experience.

User Rating: 9.6 | Gears of War X360
I can't help but say that this game is absolutely amazing. I went into it a little skeptical because I am not a person who plays shooters, but upon finishing the game I couldn't be more happy with the experience and I can't wait for another installment. The first thing you'll notice about Gears of War is that it looks absolutely amazing. This game truly sells me that "next gen" graphics can be leaps and bounds better than we saw on even the best "last gen" consoles. Everything about it looks stunning. Every environment, every enemy, every character, simply amazing. You won't be disappointed while looking at anything here.
Something you may not notice right off the bat, but will in Act 3 if you don't earlier, is the sound quality. If you played Resident Evil 4 (of which this game borrows plenty from) you'll know what good sound can bring about in a game. It can completely change every environment and make it ten times more creepy. Well Gears definitely utilizes the sound in every environment to give the game just the feel they want.
These two things are great, but really they are just like icing on the cake, the real thing of importance is the feel of the game. And how does Gears feel? Absolutely awesome. The movements are smooth, the controls are easy to get used to, the camera moves well. I can't think of one complaint here.
To give you a little more info, for those who don't know, Gears utilizes context sensitive commands much like RE4 did with A being able to do different things in different situations that you can't normally do. Gears uses this a lot and factors in the whole idea of taking cover instead of just moving around to not get shot.
Gears puts up walls and all kinds of things to hide behind and when you get close to these and hit A you will slide up against them to hide and then you can hang out the side, look over top, roll to something else close by, jump over, or whatever. All by being in different areas and using A. It feels a bit foreign at first because I've never done something like this in another game, but when you learn how to use it you'll wish every game you play had this feature.
Overall as a game the length was a little short and I could have definitely fought a few more bosses in there. But that's just wanting more of a good thing, everything they put out here is of top quality and a ton of fun to play.
It also features a co-op mode and some online play, neither of which I have gotten to do yet so I can't write up on them. I'll just have to cross my fingers that they both hold up to the quality of the main campaign mode.
So, everyone who is a shooter fan, a fan of intense games and especially those who are a fan of RE4 don't miss the opportunity to play this outstanding game.