Gears of War not only brings you to a new way of defeating your enemies, but also brings you into a story worth watching

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War PC
Gears of Wars might look like an ordinary shooter, but there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. As soon as you begin the campaign, you soon find out that that you play as Marcus Fenix who you get to play as the main character. You start off in a prison but Dom breaks you out. A lot has changed while Marcus has been in there and it is time to kick some locust ass.

Gameplay: Unlike most FPS, you don't just run in, kill a horde of enemies and go onto the the next room. You have to take cover and use the environment to your advantage to kill your enemies. This aspect of the game brings in strategy and you must plan each move to advance into the game. It may sound difficult but once you get the knack of it, you will see how easy and fun it is. It is quite cool to experiment with your enemies. They also bring reloading to the next level. In most shooters, you usually press a button and you wait for the gun to reload. But in Gears of War, you are in control of how fast your gun reloads. When reloading you will see a horizontal bar and a thin vertical bar move across the horizontal bar. Your job is to press the button at the right time to make it reload quicker. If you press the button at the perfect time, your gun will be slightly more effective against enemies. You can play through the whole game and not even bother with this feature but it is handy and will lower the time it takes for waiting for your weapon to reload. Speaking of guns, you get a really cool selection. Half gun, half chainsaw, what else do you need? Overall I give the gameplay a 9/10. It is fun and unique, but at times, and can be difficult and awkward to play the game in some areas of the game. This has made the game slightly harder in some ways.

Story: This is the area of the game that I find most impressive. As soon as you get straight into the game, you will get interested in the storyline. Each character you meet has their own personality and you really get to like each main character. The enemies you face are unique as well with many advantages and disadvantages. Basically the story is this, a enemy known as the locust horde have launched a surprise attack on earth and are at war with the human race. It is up to Marcus Fenix and the rest of the human forces to stop the Locust Horde before the human race is completely wiped out and the locust take over. Overall I give the Story a 10/10. I can't wait till Gears of Wars 2 and what the storyline has in store.

Multiplayer: If you are looking for a shooter solely for multiplayer, I wouldn't recommend Gears of Wars. As much fun as playing online is, it may get repetitive after awhile and I personally got bored of it easily. However multiplayer isn't a complete let down. It is fun to play with and does extend on Gears of War. The only thing better than playing campaign, is playing campaign with a friend. If you have played other co-op games such as Doom or Halo, then you know that Co-op can be very fun. There is also of multiplayer modes where you go against other players and that can be quite fun too. However, I personally found it hard to control since this isn't the regular FPS. But it is up to you to decide. Overall, I give multiplayer 7/10 but I didn't find anything special with it. It is just an extra feature of the game.

Graphics: Not much I can say but the graphics in this game but it is really amazing. Whether it is daytime, night time, raining or on a train. You really get a realistic view of the environment. I give the graphics a 9/10

Overall I give this game 9/10. I highly recommend you get this game if you have the chance because if you like any shooter, you will absolutely like this one. It has everything you really need or want in a shooter and I can guarantee that you will be hooked on the series.