Simply amazing
From the very beginning the game is clearly very atmospheric, and althought this isn't a horror game it almost looks it. The style and lighting of the surroundings reflects the situation which we find our character, Marcus Fenix. He is pulled out of jail where he is thrown back into his uniform and the action.
The ad lib commentry from Macus and other team members certainly ads to the action, making it seem more realistic.
The A.I. isn't terrible, it's basic, they can take cover, however they certainly netiher move naturally nor in the way you want them to sometimes. I can't count the number of times Dom has run into the pumping station on his own and has promptly been killed. The one problem I have with this game is the battle for the pumping station, not only is the checkpoint far to far away from the enimies but on Insane difficulty you have to sit through the one piece of dialogue over and over! Just for Dom to kill himself over and over!
The game is flawless except for this one battle which seems to have been ignored by all aspects of the game, it has been poorly designed, being symmetrical with obvious cover that seems to serve no purpose as part of a pumping station! The Theron guard which hisses at you is plain stupid and none of the enimies seem to realise how to take cover! It is strange that this is the only fight where there are visible problems in the game.
Although that fight has got on my nerves several times I can highly recommend the rest of the game, which natural looking cover and a beautiful range of scenery.
The weapons, I think, is one of the strongest partd of this game, they all have a rough and crude feel to them, whilst still being very effective weapons, an excellent mix.
If you ignore the pumping station fight then this game should get 10/10 from everyone, even PS3 fanboys can't deny how truly amazing this game is, I have played both PC and 360 versions and I can say that the controls feel alot more natural on the 360, although it is a shame there is no brumak to kill. Awesome multiplayer, single player a little short but highly replayable.