The Game is flawless !!!!! Perfect!!!!! for multiplayer
User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
This Game Is By Far The Best And The Most Intense Bone Crushing ,Jaw Dropping ,neck snapping ,spine breaking ,head popping, team stopping ,multiplayer that is out there right now. If you don't have it then you might as well just give up your xbox because what are you doing anyway if you don't have this game playing Garfield. Everyone has this game it's the best game in the world right now. You should be ashamed to have even purchased an Xbox without the intention of getting Gears of War. The Best graphics Best game play Best multiplayer It just doesn't get any better. With the exception of gears of war 2. The game play is just outstanding. There's so much ground to cover when you get it. When you first get it you will most likely get your butt kicked about every single round in multiplayer for a couple of days maybe 3 but that's just because people have mastered the guns and controls and lots of little secrets to get an edge on you but once you learn a thing or two you will be winning some matches. So get you butt up to the store and get you one Ill be waiting for you my gamer tag is gamestorm232 but I will be playing Gears Of War 2