Gears of War has a great first impression, but the gameplay wears thin for anyone who's played a decent game recently

User Rating: 9.3 | Gears of War X360
I excitedly purchased Gears of War anticipating the best game ever. Yes, it is a very good game, but a short storyline and repetetive online unfortunately make it get old after a while. It's still an amazing game in many aspects, but the constant 10 ratings are undeserved.

The first thing that stunned me were the graphics. The screenshots did no justice, and I can't begin to imagine what it would look like on an HDTV. Textures are amazing, characters are smooth and fluid, rain effects are brilliant, and more. You have to see it to believe it. However, as time wears on, you'll start to see the ugly bushes and some other things.

The gameplay at first is a little tough to get used to, but it turns into habit soon. The A button is used a lot for cover, rolling, and climbing over cover. This game is centered around moving from cover to cover, and rushing and moving up are very effective, thanks to useful melee attacks (B button), chainsawing(melee of certain guns), and the shotgun. The game is always moving and every kill matters. The X button will pick up grenades and guns. The left trigger zooms in, and the left bumper gives you objectives. The right trigger fires your gun. The D-Pad switches between several useful weapons.<

While Gears of War is best suited for Xbox Live players, the co-op and single player modes make it a must PLAY for any Xbox 360 owner.