My favorite part is the multiplayer. the cover system works great its alot better then the one from Graw(which sucked). the story got confusing at times. i thought that there were more questions poping up then answer but im not sayin its a bad story. btw i think the story could have been longer. but wat made this game was its multiplayer. i like the fact that there r smalll battles becuz u stand out more. in those huge 12 on 12 battles u kinda just get lost in the crowd. there r a couple of times though that u think y the f did they make host powers for RANKED matches its kinda stupid to give the host the advantage in a ranked match. one thing that hinders the multi player from being perfect is all the people who glitch. so STOP GLICTHIN!!!!!!!! and i hate when u get in a macth with all 11 year olds so annoying that there voices r so sweeky.
Look if your a gamer that loves your action fast paced and intense then you have to get GEARS now. If you do not have an X360 yet, this is your excuse. I have been a gamer for the better part of three decades now and l... Read Full Review
Epic studios has delivered a fun next-gen gaming experience into the world of shooters. And while Gears of War is not the most innovative in the genre, it does excels in capturing the essence of an amazing fast paced act... Read Full Review