oh MY GOD! For someone who doesn't like playing shooters on console, this game has changed me completely.

User Rating: 9.9 | Gears of War X360
Every aspect of Gears of War has been developed with precision quality. You can FEEL QUALITY... something I have not felt in a seriously long time in video games. First of all let me say that to get the very best out of this game experience you need an HDTV and digital surround sound. On my 65inch HDTV with 7.1 Digital THX Surround, this game made me experience something so new and breathtaking I can barely explain it. First of all, I'm a hardcore PC shooter. I never liked console shooters because it was difficult for me to adapt to the controller. However this game is done so well I've already learned handling the aiming.

The controls are top notch, everything feels dynamic. The third person view doesn't make you feel left out of the action like some games. When you aim, you feel like you're there. The camera effects are one of the best things. There's motion blur (!!!) and head movement when your character moves. Let's just put it this way, the camera is not steady, you're going on a ride. The fundamental design of the game relies on taking cover. Each combat scene is genius. You can take cover anywhere you want and peak out to shoot. To be in a huge firefight with enemies taking cover and shooting at you while you're behind a bolder picking the right time to pop out and send a flurry of bullets is just pure adrenaline. The formula doesn't get old, because each fight is different and the tactics change endlessly. On to graphics. What can I say? This is hands down the best looking game I've ever played in my life. There is so much detail it's overwhelming, your eye just makes you believe that it's real. Everything from lighting to textures is meticulous and artistic. Overall this is one of the best shooters ever released, two thumbs up to Cliffy B. and transforming me into a console shooter.