With all the hype that I've heard about this game in the past 18 months, I thought this game would be good....

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
And oh hell yes it is. I've never played a game where in the first hour or so all I could do is stare w/ my mouth open. There have been games before that have had a ton of hype and then I play the game and it blows. This game did the total opposite. I heard the hype, had high expectations and was very nervous when I put the game into my 360. I had thoughts going through my head like "what if this game sucks" or "what if I just wasted $60 on a piece of crap game" and then the game started. I was in total amazement and that is not usual for me. I am usually one that is very hard on a game and tries to find every flaw. This game surprised me.

I decided to play the campaign first to get used to the controls. I'm happy I did because the controls are different and take some time to get used to. At first I wasn't sure if I'd like the gameplay because I kept pressing "A" to run but then I'd get pulled into cover or I'd hit "A" automatically to get out of cover and end up jumping across into cover again. But after about 20-30 minutes the controls felt natural to me and I didn't have to think about them at all. I played about 1 hour of the campaign and was ready to play more until I got a invite to an online game.

So I went to play online with some friends and we decided to play best out of 5. I'm not sure if this is normal because I haven't hosted a game yet but my friend that was hosting had it set up to play best of 5 wins the match and then it automatically switched to another map. I thought this was a great feature and seemed to be very smooth since the time between games was short and then between maps was also. I found the online to be very enjoyable and was dark enough to make me somewhat nervous. I didn't want my back to be exposed because I was afraid of hearing the dreaded chainsaw. Well it happened anyway. The 1st match I was running around looking for someone to shoot at and I left my back open and there it was and it cut me clean in half.

Well, I guess I've explained this well enough or maybe to much. This game beat my expectation and I am surprised about that. This game is a steal at $60 and after playing it I would have paid up to $100 if I had to. If you don't play this game you are missing out, the graphics, the gameplay, the story, hell I will even go far enough to say you are missing out on history in the gaming world. We have a new model and now we need more games like this.