A distant cousin from Halo 2, Gears is just a great game that is a tad shorter than expected.
Chances are, you've played Halo 2 and either you loved it or you never really got into it. Well, dought it if you want, but Gears of War plays much like our old favorite. The way the enemies take cover, the way there are only several weapons in the entire game, and the fact that the player who holds the best spot on the map has a chance of survival.
The campaign in Gears is just your basic, half-story driven shooter. The place you in many diffrent close quarters areas and in many large areas. The levels are well varied, and the shootouts can be intense.
Thats one thing that I love about this game. When your taking cover using a fountian wall and enemies are surrounding, you really feel like your in the game. You really feel desperate to win the gunbattle.
There are several diffrent types of enemies in Gears, your standard soldier, your annoying little bug thing that has low damage but can run on walls, your bigger rocket launcher strapped dude, and your snipers.
Thats basically it, every other creature like alien are seen a few times, but actually fighting them is only done with a boss battle. (Which by the way are all way too easy on any difficulty)
The difficulties really bum me out. Easy is easy. Hardcore altually lets you play the game how it was meant to be played; taking cover, not always using the chainsaw, loading a checkpoint a few times. And the last difficulty, insane, is basically hardcore cept the enemies figured out how to aim. Good job Locust.
The weapons are few but their pretty cool. You start with a P.O.S. burst fire machine gun. A level later you obtain the coolest weapon in my opinion, the lancer. Yes, the machine gun with the chainsaw as a bayonette. Later the arsenal adds a shotgun, rocket launcher, sniper rifle, and the hammer of dawn. Theres another mentionable one. The hammer is basically a laser targeting device that is used to aim a satallite, and strikes down the biggest enemies in a large, hot beam. Yea its pretty cool. Cept its only useful when you are outside and when the satallite is overhead. (They will tell you if it is in campaign)
I have no X-box live, so I do not play online. I am only 17 and i don't feel like paying another monthly fee for something that I may not always have time to play.
So buy this game and chop up some aliens with a chainsaw.