It is a new world of innovation and possibilites and I'm glad to be a part of this gaming revolution and discovery!
This game is a little tough to get used to, a little bit of a learning curve. The controls work well for the most part and there didn't seem to be any major camera issues, which is a good thing for this type of game, but I'm still really adjusting to playing it. Its more a matter of change in mindset when playing this action shooter, because this isn't my main genre and I sometimes tend to go gung-ho into a situation with an all out bullet spray and get a little excited and controller twitchy. Because of that, I wasn't doing as well as I would have liked in Gears so I dumbed down the level from Hardcore to Casual. And although some aspects of Casual are a little too easy, this gives me the chance to really get in the practice of playing a "different" kind of shooter. It is much more strategic when you have to stay on the move but consider your next spot of cover and how you can advance on an enemy but not get yourself in a bad spot. I'm sure I'd do a little better with a human teammate to coordinate activities over the headset, but the AI does a decent job most of the time. On a positive note, this is the only game I've EVER played that does focus more on the gradual, cover, controlled advance but still makes it really fun, rewarding and action packed - how a real military firefight would ensue. And if you've never trained in the military or been in a firefight then just think of it as a deadly paintball match!
I don't think I would be able to stress enough how beautiful this game is and you know that if its a good looking game then on a nice big screen in HD (1080i), it blows the competition away! There were times I found myself searching areas or looking out of windows at landscape just to take in the scenery. Sure its mostly dark and foreboding, but the artistic feel of this fantastical doomsday world brings these characters and environment alive and they look so good it is a little distracting at times. I wish I was in the living room watching someone else get their feet wet with this game so I didn't have to focus on the chaos and could take it all in.
Has this type of game been done before, sort of. Will this type of game be mimicked later - hells yeah! The difference with this game is a seamless implementation and innovation that just takes it to the next level. Epic has taken their Unreal Engine and pushed boundaries that I have never seen in a game - and mind you I have only seen a small portion of the game (the beginning parts of Act One). IMO this is the GTA of shooters and it deserved all the hype and attention that it has received. Sure the single player campaign my be a little linear, lacking some story, and short, but you can try upping the difficulty, playing co-op with a friend, or just getting online for a gore filled strategic frag fest, which puts a whole new twist on this genre!
My last and only other nitpick that I just remembered is that the enemies (locust) and my men sometimes look too similar (big guys with body armor) so I find myself sometimes hitting my own man or not shooting an enemy near me, which can get bad in some of the longer battles. The key is getting the covered movement down and trying to stay at or near your men so everyone is accounted for. I would have liked to have seen some kind of teammate radar and if an enemy was spotted by me or another teammate then they could show up on the radar as well. Maybe the COG soldiers will get this kind of technology upgrade is Gears 2 - because I KNOW Epic is already working on one! :-)
OK, I've babbled too much and have to stop now because I'm getting myself way too excited and I won't be able to play for another 6 - 7 hours! :-) Later,
~JO Cool