2006 Game of the Year. Gears is one of the most imaginative and just plain funnest games in history. A XBOX 360 must!
User Rating: 9.9 | Gears of War X360
This review is one of teh few breaks I have taken from playing Gears of War in the last week it has been out. This game is simply epic, which may or may not be a coincidence that it was developed by Epic Games. If you don't have Gears of War and you have a 360, then you need to make a trip to your local Wal Mart. If you don't have a 360, well you are still gonna have to make a trip to Wal Mart but bring 500 bucks instead of 60. You are going to need to get both the game and a 360 to play it on. There are just to many good things in Gears of War to put them in a readable review. The graphics are simply jaw dropping. Its like watching a movie even when you are in gameplay. The graphics and visual style just overwhelm you with realism and the fact that the locust have done some serious damage. The storyline is immersive and even though you know tehre is way more to whats going on than the game tells you, it still feels like unbelievably real desperation when you fight. Also the characters are likeable, Dom, the quiet, but badass best friend that would do anything for you. Baird, the team **** that you has a problem with everything. Cole, the former thrashball star that brings humor to the game. And finally Marcus, the haunted hero that we don't know anything about, but hope to find out soon. Another unusual plus of this game is the dialogue is of movie like quality, instead of your usual straight to the point video game dialogue, it actually seems thought out. The banter between squad members is witty, realistic, and typically funny. The soldiers feel human mainly because of this. They are just guys caught in a war they want no part of but have to fight in. The gameplay is obviously the selling point of any game, and Gear of War goes all the way. It pulls off the action and tactical combination that has thusfar eluded gamemakers. Combing the action of halo, and intense firefights of Rainbow 6, and the tactical gameplay of Ghost Recon, Gears of War does this with flare. The hardcore action is one of a kind and you have to use tactics to win. The bosses are well thought out, so they take away teh typical this guy has way more life than you, kill him...style of a boss. Outhink your opponets, outfight the enemy, this is Gears of War, and I like Gears of War. If a game ever lived up to its impossible hype then it was GOW. I am gonna end off with the negatives on the game since it is a very very short list. First, let me say Gears of War storyline was immersive and interesting, but you couldn't help but feel that something was missing. While GOW wasn't a cliffhanger in the traditional sense, it left a lot of loose ends like (Spoiler Warning) Who was Marcus's father, and why the hell did he have the entire Locust tunnel system mapped out in his basement. And this data which could turn the tide of the war just sat around for probably close to 14 years.(Spoiler Ends) Also another negative was that you never seemed to be fighting a full scale war. Yes there were dead bodies everywhere and obvious signs of teh fallout of such a destructive war everywhere in the cities, but it seemed like your squad was a four man war machine taking on an enemy that has driven humanity to the brink of extinction, and winning. When the rare occurence of human contact was made they were usually dispatched very quickly. Don't get me wrong, these are just minor flaws and don't ruin the game in any way. It would just be nice if they would address these in GOW 2.