This is the best game on the xbox 360 to date!

User Rating: 9.6 | Gears of War X360
Ive played great games before, and i know what they are like...but this game goes above and beyond most of those games. This game is incredibly close to being perfect. The multiplay is addictive and intense, but the single player is a little too short. Though, there is much enjoyment in going back on a harder difficulty, like in Halo 2! This has some of the greatest co-op environments ever. It was built FOR awesome multiplay, with splitting paths for multiple experiences. With pick up and play controls, it is perfect for inviting your 360-less buddy over and playing through some co-op. The mechanics are wonderful and the environments are varied. It would have been nice if you could jump over railings to floors below, but there is always next time. I love how they incorporated boss fights but it would have been cool if you could *SPOILERS* fight the Brumak with the Armidillo *END SPOILERS*. This game has 5 boss battles, but three of them are against the same type of locust. If you own a 360, you HAVE TO own this game. In my eyes, it is the Halo2 for the 360. This game is amazing!