Firing on All Cylinders... absolutely fantasic. Story, Graphics, Game Play, Horror... Fear... Sign me up for the next 1.

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
This is the game, gamers have been waiting for , for a long time - the true next gen level game. This is where it starts. Up until now, the "new gen" games have been good - do not get me wrong... but this is the first true next gen level game that can ONLY be on a next gen console.

I played this game in HD 1080i. Right off the scale in terms of picture quality - the guys at Epic did a great job. In fact this game has higher production values than some movies.

The Graphics - 10/10 ; Sound 10/10 ; Gameplay 10/10 ... Story 10/10.
3D scaling and artwork - 10/10.

Atmosphere of "Fear" - Perfect. The "dread" level ... just walking down a street ... Excellent.

If... when? ... there is a sequel - I will be first in line. IT is that good.
This game does EVERYTHING well; a true masterpiece.