Can only be described by one word, "Awesome",
Game-play is very addictive, there is an adrenaline pumped action around every corner. The controls are smooth and very easy to get used to. The enemy AI will do exactly what the player may do, you will see them take cover and outflank you. In all aspects, this title exactly what everyone should expect from an excellent action game. Your teammates in single-player though can sometimes seem alittle stupid. For example Dom sometimes likes to run directly into enemy fire or cover close to you totally opposite way and block you. Besides that, the game-play is smooth, fun, and it definitely will satisfy any action fan.
The sound system in the game is simple yet in perfection. The character voices reflect the toughness and at the same time the exhaustion from battles they have experienced. All the sound effects make you feel like you're literally on the battlefield
It is a definite buy for any action fan or a 360 fan. This is, by far, the best game on the 360.