Can this game be compared to another Shooting game? Can it be compared to ANY game? No, I believe it cannot. Read and fi

User Rating: 9.7 | Gears of War X360
To put it straight, Gears of War has to be the one ultimate game of the Xbox 360, hands down. This raised the bar for every other game that will come out in 2006-2007. It's stunning graphics, gameplay, voice acting, game time, multiplayer, and several other features leaves critics and players dead in their tracks. The only games that come close to this is the Infamous Halo and Half Life.

In single player, your Marcus Fenix, a recently escaped convict soldier who disobeyed orders after he tried to save his beloved father from a terrible accident, which was the cause of a Locust invasion. Ahh... the Locust. This has to be the scariest, toughest opponent that has come. They obviously have tough hides, on account of their almost scally-like-skin, peircing eyes, and a surpassing love for killing Humans. They launched an attack on a large Earth colony, on a seperate mass of rock, also know as a planet. Funny thing is, that the Locust live underground that "Mass of rock". Anyways, you get busted out by your soon to be best buddy Dominic or Dom, on the orders of Colonel Hoffman who pardons every Ex-COG (COG= Coalition of Organized Governments), or Gear, hence GEARS of War. Then you will fight through the prison that you reside in, then eventually to a out of control speeding train which you will find at the ending of the game. Not many spoilers in this reveiw! Fenix joins a squad named Delta Squad, who's mission is to find Alpha Team who crashed in a helicopter crash. Why are you trying to find a seemingly doomed squad? Well they control the death or live factor of the human race all because they own a magical device. Lucky you!

You find Alpha, but along the way enemies like Grubs (Locust Drones), Wretches (Dog-Like creatures), Seeders (Huge bugs which are seen in "Starship Troopers"), and lastly a BIG nice ol' Beserker. Too cool! After that you advance your way through, an Abandoned section of the city your in, which is suprisingly left in the dark, a gas station, a Rural area, another Rural area, Factory/Mine, and finally to a Train Station, with a big suprise at the end! But it's not all that bad!

Fenix becomes Squad leader, after... I'm not telling you; A meets up with Augustis Cole a.k.a. The Cole Train, a retired thrashball player and comic relief, one quote of his is "Come on man! Lil' bit of this? It's good for you, build your immune system!" play the game and you will find out what hes talkin' about. Oh and dont forget his companion nevermind. To fight the nemesis you will have a fairly large arsenal. This is a list of the Coalition weapons you will use: Snub Pistol, Lancer Assault Rifle, with a fancy chainsaw bayonet attatched to it, I wonder what it is used for? Hmm...; there is the Gnasher shotgun, which blows peices off drones, the Longshot Sniper Rifle speaks for itself, (note that headshot with this thing is more than satisfying) a spiked Grenade is included, press B on your gamepad to thrust a 'nade on a clueless Drone, but remember to back away quickly, becuase a loud Boom N' Squish will follow, and lasty the Hammer of Dawn, a weapon used to route enemies, and deminish a building to nothingness. Fun! Unfortuntely the Hammer of Dawn is limited, becuase it need a symbios of a Sattelite for it to actually work, and also it needs open sky, but another draw back is that, 1, 2, 3, is how long it takes to create a giant beam of Whoop A**, which is painfully long when your getting your brains blown out by a Locust Drone.

I recommend that you buy this game if you have a Xbox 360, If you dont then you should otherwise have fun watching grass grow and paint dry. By the way, Multiplay and Co-op is in Gears of War, so if that doesnt encourage you to buy this, then I don't know what will. One negative point is the 60$ price tag, and the inside story on Fenix is groggy at best, but who cares! Get this game.