Gears of War is being haled as the reason to own an Xbox 360, it is good but is it that good?
The single player, at least in my opinion, is the heart of this game, sure the story may not pack as much punch as those other shooters, sure your allies A.I. may not be the smartest, but at every moment there seems to be something to get you off you seat. There are never any parts of the game where you fight off large numbers of enemies, but that's because fighting off a handful can prove hectic. Over all the single play is an amazing thing, and must be played.
Now on to my problems with the game. The game is developed by Epic, the guys behind Unreal Tournament so I expected great things. Now I know they were focusing on the single player, which as I've already stated is awesome, but I felt they could have added more on the multi player side of things. It's four vs four in all of the game types. It's pretty standard fare, and nothing really feels too special. Sure, it's fun to know that your killing another person with your chainsaw instead of some computer, but it's just kinda...meh. Although it already has been addressed that Epic is releasing a patch, to improve the multi player. But as it stands right now, Gears won't last as long as Halo 2 did. My other problem with the game is the story. Now as I've said in the past, if I want a good story go read a book, but it had potential to be a good story, but it's just kinda boring. There's no character development, and it leaves it with a cliffhanger ending.
Overall Gears of War is a good game. The single player is incredibly fun, the graphics are amazing, the sounds better than I could have asked for, but there's just some reason I can't call this a game worth buying a system for. Many people say it's reason enough, but with a single player that lasts only ten hours and a multi player that is begging to be expanded, I just can't recommend this as a reason to buy an Xbox 360. If you like shooters, and do own an Xbox 360, then by all means buy this game. You won't regret it.