Team Work and Chainsaws...whatelse... first off..a game this big only has about less than 10 hours to complete the whole game and ending with a cliche, The Developers could have done just a litte better on the length of the game than the graphical part of it. 2. Image quality seems just not actually carzy about the whole graphical experience for this game at all, the lighting and charater models are great in cinamatics, but thats it. The color quality of Enemies are closly colored to some of the objects in certain levels making it a bit challenging to find out which is the enemy and if you look around and don't take cover you're dead, just like that. rest of the time there is not a free roaming camera to mess with just incase there are enemies behind you, the Left and Right Bunts with the Y button don't have to first or secondary functions at all (besides Y being the only button to find the nearest buddy in battle.) 3. Gameplay: its fun and compelling ( i didn't think so) first time i played this it reminded me of a Resident Evil 4 (except with diving and crouching against walls for cover, and the game reminded me of a game called Kill Switch because of the blind fire you can allow yourself to function with behind cover.) may i also add with a RE4 style gameplay i was surprised that the characters are not able to turn in an instant with two button functions(as of RE4 for PS2 press the joystick to the opposite way of the characters view and press circle). 4. Innavative: about the only thing that is so innovative about this game is the fact that instead of a bayenot, its a Chainsaw for close quarter kills...which makes it fun having all that blood splat onscreen. 5. Camera when running (holding the A button) the camera goes into a whole "cameraman is following soldier from behind) kind of perspective, which is a nice touch. Enemy Ai: since only playing Insane mode Enemy AI is competitive if you cover they rush, if they cover you rush, they pop up from cover shoot or give you a taste of blind fire. ( i belive this was a small innovation to the basis of 3rd person gaming) 6. Cinamatics: i have to admit the cinamatics are great...but are they great enough for Framerate problems?? i happen to see a couple of Framerate problems during the loading of a mission, in the cinamatics, and also when dying, the game froze(thats prolly my buddies falt for playing it too much). 7. Multiplayer is a fine Experience...So i assume it was fine until finding out there are no bots included into the game(another mistake for a game...if not internet is present to certain people.)
Overall i belive Gears Of War is a good game but not the best (this is my opinon) in a somewhat perspective i also believe its a tad bit better than the Halo Franchise itself(even thought the games are different perspectives). Im actually glad i didn't get into the hype about this was a small letdown...but since there will be a sequal to this...lets make some buttons work...and some gameplay a little better.