dom is retarted in gears 1
User Rating: 7 | Gears of War X360
the biggest thing i hate about this game is dom the hours it took on hardcore to get past some of the levels with dom not being able to pick me up when i was downed dyeing and dyeing thats the worst thing ever about this game and then he expects u to pick him up when he is down he is retarted and the combat and shoot in the game is great the main gun u get is a lance it is a machine gun with a chain saw. the levels are pretyy simple kill everything move on to the next area its simple stay alive take cover and kill everything and u will beat the game easy if there was some one to pick up up aka the retard dom i would play it on insain but tilll they make an update i will never play this game again . i would recommend to try it u mite not like the game cuz of the dying when ever and some of the enemies u find are hard to beat