I just barely beat this game and i loved it! I got this game yesterday with my friend and we were just playing it all day long. It was so addictive. I beat the game a day later. Let me tell you that it's a pretty hard game and i hated the last boss because i died like 10 times on that part. Anyway, people say that it's a short game. I don't think it's a short game. I wonder what's a long game to them. I don't really like playing a really long game. Gears of War was just a masterpiece and i can't wait until the Gears of War 2 comes out. I just wish i played this game before Gears of War 2 was announced. I got the special editon by the way. It's a really gory and bloody game. So, keep your little kids away from this game. I love the bayonet/lancer. I love chainsawing people in half. The Hammer of Dawn is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. You just aim it at an enemy for about 5 seconds and something comes out of the sky by sattelite and destroys the enemy. You can only use at certain parts of the game. It's offline most of the time and doesn't work. The sniper rifle is really powerful too. I played the game on hardcore so i just kept on blowing locusts' heads off. Well, there are these holes that form in the ground called emergence holes in which locusts come out of. So, the best thing to do to destroy it quick is to throw a grenade into there and it just seals. There are about two major bosses in the game. You won't encounter a big boss until later in act 3 [the game consists of five acts] Most of the other bosses, you can just use a hammer of dawn on them. The beserkers are the creatures you should be most worried about. The only way to kill them in the game is to lure them outside and take them out with the hammer of dawn. They charge at you and so you better be careful. There are creatures which are called wretches. There are dark ones which explode when you kill them so be careful. There are also regular ones which just jump around and attack you. They're small so they leap all around the place so watch out. There are also corpsers and the only way to kill them is also by the hammer of dawn. They release the toxic at you and you can die easily from that on hardcore. They are always outside so it won't be a problem using the hammer of dawn on them. The only problem is find a hammer of dawn if you don't already have one. Then, there are theron guards which have torque bows which are almost as powerful as hammer of dawns. One shot and you're dead. So, you should watch out for theron guards throughout act 4-5. The main creatures in the game are locusts. If you're not that much of a gamer, then i suggest you play this game on casual because if you play it on hardcore then later in the game it gets really tough. So, i recommend casual for unexperienced shooter gamers. Anyway, if you don't have this game yet, i suggest you go buy it right now before the second one comes out.
Look if your a gamer that loves your action fast paced and intense then you have to get GEARS now. If you do not have an X360 yet, this is your excuse. I have been a gamer for the better part of three decades now and l... Read Full Review
Epic studios has delivered a fun next-gen gaming experience into the world of shooters. And while Gears of War is not the most innovative in the genre, it does excels in capturing the essence of an amazing fast paced act... Read Full Review