You have to love the feeling of cutting someone in half or curb stomping them knowing they had to suffer through it... especially when you are palying against your friends. Watching their head explode as you snipe them is always funny to watch as well. I Thought the story mode was a little short, but then again which good game has an awesome long satisfying story line. It is definetly worth getting if you have a xbox 360 of course. The worst part about it is that I don't have high-speed internet only alowing me to play with my friends I hope that if there is a sequel that there can be four people instead of 2 per system.
Look if your a gamer that loves your action fast paced and intense then you have to get GEARS now. If you do not have an X360 yet, this is your excuse. I have been a gamer for the better part of three decades now and l... Read Full Review
Epic studios has delivered a fun next-gen gaming experience into the world of shooters. And while Gears of War is not the most innovative in the genre, it does excels in capturing the essence of an amazing fast paced act... Read Full Review