If you say it sucks, go crawl in a hole and die!

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War is probably .002 points away from being as good as Halo 2 IMO.

Gameplay - EXTREMELY fun. Your basic 3rd-person shooter, except you'll be hiding in cover about 90% of the time. The weapons - Very original. You always hafta love machine guns with chainsaws that are right underneath them, and grenade launchers that split up into little tiny grenades after the primary explosion.

Vehicles - NO VEHICLES. :( Except for one in campaign...but that's it for vehicles.

Graphics - ...nothing can describe these awesome graphics.

Sound - Voice acting and the rest of the sound was GREAT! Buy this game NOW, before I shoot you with a Longshot Sniper, or a bow with explosive arrows, or a grenade launcher with massive splash damage, or shoot you then use the chainsaw attached to it, or shoot you up halo 2 assault rifle style, or shoot you up with leet hand-held guns, or maybe I'll just get the Hammer of Dawn out to 1 shot you.