This is very weird, but I have just now played Gears of War, this review is for everyone who hasn't played it yet.
Gameplay: Gears of War centers around one main mechanic, take cover, shoot them, duck, repeat. But this is actually very good. The campaign, with the exception of the latter half of the second act, is great, it surpasses most other shooters, but it is very short, I finished it on Casual in a little l4ess than two days. Don't get me started on the multiplayer thou, it is the second best multiplayer player I have ever had the joy of playing. Yes, better than Call of Duty, MUCH better. It has a learning curve about three hours, after those three hours you will be killing and chain sawing in like a mildly good amateur. It also has one of the coolest weapons ever, but ScrewAttack does a better job of explaining it than I do.A+
Presentation: Gears of War has some of the nicest presentation I have seen recently, it has a nice design, and it is THE goriest game on the 360, and possibly ever. My only complaint is that it has almost no vibrant colors except red. (BLOOD!=D) B+
FINAL VERDICT: Gears of War is a must have if you have a 360, unless you have a weak stomach, but even then there is an optional content filter, so everyone is happy. A