This is not only the best xbox 360 game out right now, but its also going to be in the running for GOTY.

User Rating: 9.6 | Gears of War X360
There have been many games that have used cover and strategy as the main piece of gameplay (like GRAW), but none have done as good of job as Epic and Microsoft gamestudios. Pros
- Amazing cinamatic like graphics
-Sound that sorrounds you -Online feutures tons of replayability and requires skill
-Co-op both online and off
-Gameplay that seems realistic (in terms of using cover, blind firing, etc.)

-No clan support
-Online can experience some delay time (in terms of shooting gun)
-Single player experiences a little framerate problems during some cinamatics
-Control layout is great, but the A button is used to much

Bottom Line: Buy this game if you have a 360.