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User Rating: 9.7 | Gears of War X360

Why Russian? Why not? This game is cool. It’s Soviet Union versus the United States cold war era cool. “Gears of War” deserves no introduction. This game is good perhaps the culmination of the past thirty years of video game programming. Yes it is an achievement both visually and yes culturally (As in gaming culture). Bold statement but I will explain, Gears achieves and improves on what has only been achieved by Halo and Half-Life though both of those games respective stories are better than gears. “Gears” is the only game that from the beginning to the end "feels" like a big budget action movie. The length is perfect. Not even movie to game translations feel like Gears does. Think pitch-black, starship troopers (the movie not the book), and Tremors presto you have gears of war. “Gears” is an action packed ride that doesn’t bother to really explain its story it just brings you along for the ride. What a ride for the characters the worst 36 hours you can possibly have. The pacing is frantic you seem to be introduced to new enemies every twenty minutes. Its clichéd, sometimes downright offensive (the Cole-train character, African Americans don’t speak like that but whatever) the story is fluff but the experience a blast whiles it last. It is short and sweet with an awesome multi-player and yes, you never get tired of chain-sawing someone. While other games downright plagiarizes halo (RFOM is just halo/half-life/CoD with a yellowish hue) gears goes for its own feel. The game tackles all other games to the mat regardless of console and forces them to tap out saying “No mas”.

Pound for pound the best looking game ever, yes even surpassing PC games to date (even Crysis but that doesn’t count since its not out yet). This was played on a 50’inch plasma TV with full surround sound and I can attest I was immersed, if you’re not playing it on such a set-up you are an uncouth uncivilized brute! Filthy beast! I played this co-op on Xboxlive from start to finish on hardcore and insane. Honestly the game MUST be played co-op to fully appreciate its polish. Ratings don’t do this justice go own it. Seriously you play the role of the invading aliens and in my book that’s cool as heck. So go forth and nestle this snuggly in your 360 collection, and before you chainsaw somebody tell them “Dosvidanya” for me.