I have been following ths game since E3 2005, i saw the video clips and thought yeah it looks alright i guess, but over the course of its development i could see the game was going to be something special, and when i finally got to play the game i was amazed by its sheer quality, finally there was a game on the 360 that was truly next gen and exclusive to the 360. I played Gears of War campaign in both Single player and Co-op, the experience is alot better in co-op so if you have someone to play with then make sure you play it in co-op, also play the game at least on hardcore, on normal setting i found the game to be a little too easy. Insane difficulty is alot of fun and not impossible, i only have to defeat General Raam to complete the game in insane difficulty. The campaign itself isnt that long, you can complete it in under 10 hours, which gives you all the more reason to play it on a harder difficulty setting.
Visually the game is just amazing, Epic havent cut any corners in this department, from the enviroments to the character models its just breathtaking, Sony really has its work cut out to produce something that will come close to this quality for the ps3 ( i'm sure it will happen :) ). Chainsawing the enemy can produce some gratifying gore on screen with your entire display covered in enemy blood, nothing like it on any game even Dead rising. I only played played a couple of multiplayer games so far, i found it really hard to get into a game, always got booted out on the selection screen, i've had problems with other xbox live games at about release time so i guess thats just xbox live being what it is. I'll try again at some point and hopefully it will get better.
Look if your a gamer that loves your action fast paced and intense then you have to get GEARS now. If you do not have an X360 yet, this is your excuse. I have been a gamer for the better part of three decades now and l... Read Full Review
Epic studios has delivered a fun next-gen gaming experience into the world of shooters. And while Gears of War is not the most innovative in the genre, it does excels in capturing the essence of an amazing fast paced act... Read Full Review