This game is ridiculous,but its madd short and i miss local four player deathmatches
Graphics, i really cant find a blemish honestly,sound i can almost say the same thing ,Gameplay is very fast pace and in my opinion more realistic than Halo's ,the chainsaw action is tight sometimes i cant get it too work though .And i thank the epic producers for having a option to turn the extreme content down,but i wish there was a option to turn the cussing off .One thing that bothers me though,the enemies take too many shots,i dont know what type of skin or armor those locust soildiers have but what is the deal with headshots that still wont take them down .
The ending to this game seems rushed and the campaign is too short ,but co-op campaign is some of the most fun ive ever had playing a video game.The multiplayer local play sucks though, you're limited too one on one deathmatches,kinda of boring,doesnt compare to ghost recon in that department,its more of rent game but very excellent one of the best games ive ever played.