Gameplay- Gameplay can simply be defined as incredible. All aspects of this game, including shooting, taking cover, stategizing, and even moving are perfectly done to create an experience that is brilliant on all levels.
Graphics- Gears of War creates graphics that I had never dreamed of; everything from scenery, character models, animation, effects, and real time cutscenes that look pre-rendered by experts make this game look gorgeous to any un-biased critic.
Sound- explosions, soundtrack, chainsaws, splats, groans, growls, snaps, hisses, roars, and guns sound perfect. Really no other way to describe it.
Value- Single player isnt very long, but it doesnt need to be. Playing the game over again on higher difficulties or on co-op is irresistable and forever entertaining. The online is as fun as Halo 2 and has a community growing by the minute. Multiplayer suffers from a few small bugs and problems, but these will certainly be corrected in time.
Tilt- Have a 360? get this game. Don't have a 360? This is THE game that will sell consoles, believe me. I cant possible count all the people who have new gamer profiles with like 10-200 achievement points, and they are all from Gears of War. This is the Halo for the 360. It may have come late, but I don't think it could have come at a more convenient time for Microsoft. "Coincidentally" this game came out only a few weeks before the PS3 and Wii. *is shocked*
CHAINSAWS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!