After playing just one hour of Gears of War, my head explodes.

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War is a complete masterpiece. Gears of war is nearly a flawless game. The gameplay cant get any better than this. The on foot gameplay is just awesome. Its fast paced and just plain fun. The graphics......... The best I have ever seen so far in any game. This is the first "Next-Gen" looking game I have seen. It is so damn detailed and realistic. The players look superb and the enviroments look just beautiful. The sound, the best sound effects I have ever heard in any game. If you have surround sound, then your in for a hell of a ride.You will be playing this game for months and months. While online is only 4 on 4, it still is fun as hell to play. Online is this games highlight. You will play online for a very long time. It doesnt get boring quick like most other games. Now the big question is.... is this game better than halo? Sorry halo fans but even though this game is only 8 players online, it is just a way better game. It looks way better. It plays way better. It sounds way better. And it just simply is just way better. Im not hating on halo, I like halo but this game is just way better in almost every aspect. The story isnt all that good but it still has a pretty solid story. The difficulty could have used some work but it still is pretty hard in the harder modes. The game aslo isnt very long. Its only 8-10 hours long but you will want to go through the game more than once and remember there is online which just simply rocks. Really, this game is the reason why I am getting the 360. Overall Gears of War is simply a masterpiece. The game is almost flawless. The flaws are minor and really dont hurt the game so thats good. If you love action game and own a 360, you need to get this game. Dont have a 360, then get one. And get this game because its worth it.