Get me a Steak, Rare, Now!
With Gears of War.
Goods: 1. I dunno. Maybe it's the graphics, or the booming 5.1 sound effects. All I can tell you is that this Gears of War is the best damn action title I've ever encountered. It's like I can feel myself inside the game, slamming up against dust concrete slabs all aching muscles and heavy armor, breath in short sharp gasps trying to slow it down to better my aim with the recoil jamming back into the blisters between my thumb and fingers; heat washing over singed eyelashes with the smell of ignited cordite and gunpowder, the sour mash of spilled blood leaving coppery aftertaste while the rage gives way to relief when the last locust corpse writhes away as victorious heavy combat boots stomp its flesh down the stairsteps.
Oh. Yeah. Get Some.
2. Co-op. In any permutation.
This title is precisely why I have two linked 360's in my house. My 10 yr. old son and I are making our way through the campaign together on Xbox Live and System Link; our fun meter needle spun out of the casing a few hours ago, causing serious neglect to all other forms of activity. I didn't bathe for 2 1/2 days. That's normally something he hopes to get away with.
3. This one time, at a fire-fight, I threw a grenade, like, really far away, and then it blew up, and then this bloody torso with just like, a head and an arm, came flying by and it looked like it flew out of my monitor and landed on my floor and I really liked it. Whew. Yeah.
4. Playing Gears of War can make even the most hopeless Poindexter feel like a fleshed-out Diesel action hero.
1. Occasional texture draw-in. Has anyone noticed that? The opening moments in-game after a cut-scene look cell-shaded for about 6 seconds until the full textures on objects render. 2. Can't seem to find a Versus game online. Keep getting punked. Haven't been able to connect yet. Strange. However, I can easily go Co-op on Live (got way ahead of my own son on Campaign the other night when he was at his Mom's and I was online with some other young kid, felt kinda guilty, so now we'll have to use my son's online co-op progress. But that's a cool feature, too. Campaign progress is persistent for each profile!) 3. I'd like to see the sequel with an option to aim other than with just the aiming reticle; instead, it should also have a more-immersive-than-even-COD3-down-the-sight-aim mechanic accessible by a RS-click while pulling the left trigger.
4. I wanna be able to jump off a ledge or climb a railing anywhere I want, not get funneled through like a on-rails-Panzer-Dragoon-shooter. Still, I can see that Cliffy B chose this restriction for the campaign to direct the action, which probably lends itself a more compelling story. Respond, please, and lemme know what you think. I'm writing a review about a video game, for crying out loud, so I obviously need some validation.
Thanks In Advance,
Action Nerd