a chainsaw on the end of my gun? OHHHH YEA
--Heck yea, bring the blood, bring the guts.... This game definitely has the ability to satisfy even the sickest of blood fetishes. From the first time you get a taste of the blood with your chainsaw, till youre a veteran of the flank-and-saw, this kill might be one of the best quencher for my blood thirst ever. The storyline slips you into the action, much like halo did. Just remember, stay in the LIGHT!
Did I mention the CHAINSAW? The guns in this game are sweet; the hammer of dawn is slightly reminiscent of the GDI's Ion Cannon (on a much smaller scale) -the torque bow, slighty reminiscent of Rambo 3- the gernade launcher, can anyone say (or spell) Schwarzenegger? Co-OP through the storyline is a must, every game should have it. Cons; Mulitplayer makes me miss halo; not enough players, not a good way to find parties. The storyline is pretty short, I guess time flies when your having fun (I WANT MORE) If the main gun didnt have a chainsaw I'd toss it--no stopping power on the hardest difficulty (even losing 3 clips worth of headshots don't seem to bring them down)
I want more story! I also felt there was something lacking in-between the bullet-hose and the sniper rifle.