Fun while it lasted.

User Rating: 8.3 | Gears of War X360
I thought this game would be as fun as Halo, or atleast as fun as the 9.6 rating it got. I was wrong, though.

Gameplay: Its pretty fun, you want to keep on playing even if its frustrating. Chainsaw is cool, but not that cool. It's just like a melee attack in another game. The cover mechanics are perfectly done. Guns are not so good, I barely ever used them, and I don't remember ever a time when using a grenade was helpful.

Graphics: Best looking game ever so far. It does seem drab though.

Sound: Good music, it really sets you in the mood for what is to come, but Marcus's voice sounds terrible. Everyone else's voices are good. The sounds coming from guns don't sound right though. Value: Worth renting, not buying. Too short, even if it is very fun while it lasts. If only it did that longer.