Too short, yet I would pay $100 for this game!

User Rating: 9.4 | Gears of War X360
We all know, this game is short. Very short. It took me two days to beat it, (not sure how many hours) but during those 2 days I was hooked. This game reminds of a movie that is so good, when it ends you can't believe its over and you want more. If this game had no multi-player than I would be IRATE. But it does, and the multi-player makes your $60 well spent. The graphics, sound, voice overs, gameplay, and level design are all executed perfectly. Well, almost perfectly. The only thing that irks me is when you run, you sometimes go into cover against a wall you never wanted to, or you want to go into cover against a wall, you instead do a dive which really hurts you in multi-player in some circumstances. This small complaint is only being made because I didn't give this game a 10 and I felt a had to explain why I gave it a 9.4. So there you go. Epic should be applauded for about 8 hours straight on a grand stage. I wonder why I'm writing a review because I can't put into words how much this game kicks ass, and reviews require words. On Dec. 2nd, I started playing some Live around 12am, and didn't stop till 9:25am. No game has grabbed me that way. I had to call out the next day, not because of no sleep, but because I needed more GEARS goddamit. Hands down Game of the Year. Gotta go, See you at the Fuel Depot.