Man, this game was a lot of fun. I feel like the people who designed this game had a real vision while they were making it. The whole game seems centered around the cover system, which adds a much needed twist to a genre thats been going kind of stale. Instead of the tired run-and-gun antics commonly found in many FPSs, Gears forces you to approach your enemies carefully, moving quickly from cover to cover. If you're in the open too long, its all over. The effect of this simple mechanic is really intense. I felt like i was constantly in harms way, like there was a very real urgency to every battle. I couldn't stop moving, or thinking. This game constantly demands your attention. The camera in this game is especially brilliant. It works perfectly for the cover system to let you see everything you need too. And when you barrel down and run, the camera reacts. When you get shot, the camera reacts. The result is a very visceral combat experience. The environments are beautiful. Broken down buildings never looked so gorgeous. although the story doesn't really go into it, you definitely get the feeling that you're fighting in a place that used to be very elegant. But now the buildings are crumbling with the onset of war. Its pretty darn epic
The only thing that disappointed me was the campaigns story. I wanted to know more details about the world i was on and what its history was. I wanted a feel for my characters part in the greater struggle. The setting seemed like it offered plenty of awesome story opportunities, so i wanted a little more.
It almost goes without saying that the graphics are beautiful. Same goes for the sound quality. But this games real strengths are in its intense gameplay and interesting art design.
Look if your a gamer that loves your action fast paced and intense then you have to get GEARS now. If you do not have an X360 yet, this is your excuse. I have been a gamer for the better part of three decades now and l... Read Full Review
Epic studios has delivered a fun next-gen gaming experience into the world of shooters. And while Gears of War is not the most innovative in the genre, it does excels in capturing the essence of an amazing fast paced act... Read Full Review