Just You're average FPS

User Rating: 6.5 | Gears of War X360
I don't see what the hype is all about.

Yes maybe some good graphics and good sound but that really doesn't help that much on how long im going to play it. The storyline isn't that great either. It's short (a fps veteran good complete it in a good 10 hours) and just once again average.

They only plus to this game is Good Sound, and Graphics. The only reason i bought a Xbox was for halo 3 and gears and fable. And fable is they only good one.

I think that the best FPS is Metal Gear, i haven't got my hands on it but ive been at my friends and metal gear is probably a the only reason i'm going to his house. I've played metal gear for a solid 40 hours to cause my friend is also very into it and he's let me beat the story mode and then we do online together.

So to Sum it up this just Read my heading, it is just you're average FPS