..... no words describe this masterpiece....

User Rating: 9.8 | Gears of War X360
this game is just amazing... lets start with gameplay. well to break it down its friggin awsome. the cover system is so easy to use and the game play is just soo diffrent compared to other shooters. And it takes like 5-10 min to get used to but once u get the hang out it ur chainsawing and blowing things up all over!
next is graphics ..omg the graphicsa are insane the guys are just to think rough tough dudes the enviornments everything is amazing in graphics in the game even if u dnt have an hd tv
next is sound and the sound is great but if u have 5.1 digital surround sound..... dude!!!!!1 its crazy!
online play is also pretty awsome but there arent enough game modes but still awsome!