Fantastic Visuals and the best "USE COVER before SHOOTING" system out there makes Gears of War a Must Own.

User Rating: 8.8 | Gears of War X360
I had to admit that I was a little bummed that the great commercial where our hero dives into an old building, only to be met by a Giant Corpser coming out of the darkness....didn't actually happen in the game. Oh Well, it's still an incredible game visually, and it's even better ON-LINE. But 1st: The Single Player Experience! Fantastic Visuals (Rain) and sound really work to create a great game. Sure, it doesn't have a story (like HALO 1)....but all the bullets flying past your head while you hide like a chicken undercover really makes up for it. The game is a big short, but earning Achievements for Playing it on harder settings will keep you coming back.

XBOX LIVE: The great, and the not so great. The levels are Stunning, (though a little Small) The different characters your squad can have are all worthy, (though again...only 8 total people can play. 4 vs. 4) This game really shines ON-LINE.....just as soon as I can get that punk little kid to STOP "SINGING"

Overall: Is it as good as I thought? (No) My expectations were "really...really High." Am I glad I got it, ABSOLUTELY.