A third of a game for twice the price.
Let me also state, that I hate Halo. It's a terrible, bland FPS. I grew up on Doom 2 and Half-Life. There are millions of MUCH better FPS's that came out for the PC ages ago, and shortly there after for the consoles, but they weren't as pretty, so they get over-shadowed by the masses for Halo.
This is just another instance of that.
Let's start with the story. I love CyberPunk, and Sci-Fi, so this looked like my thing. And I have to tell you, I was getting in to it, even though there was very little of it. Exciting thoughts such as seeing flash backs to Emergence day and an explanation of why Marcus was incarcerated made my eyes light up. Also, an explanation of the Locusts, and their cause. Not to mention hearing the back story of the planet it's self, as it seems to have a rich one...
So, just as I think we're about to make some major progress, we're about, a third of the way through, right before a trip back home for some flash backs and back story and BAM.... I see the "you beat the game on hardcore" achievement pop up.
No, seriously? That's it.... no interesting back story... no plot development at all for that matter? Just another Lord of the Rings only with LESS plot (f that's possible). I go online, read there's going to be a trilogy. And so it all comes together. We, the gamer, who put our hard earned money down, get a third of a game for twice the price.
Nice, way to go. Good plan Epic, give people one game in three installments, charging them full price each time, clamming that the online play is the main meat of the game. Awesome.
This game had a lot going for it. I have to say, it excited me at moments, especially the Berserker's and the final boss.... I ponder in wonder of where the game will go, and will probably rent the other games.... However. This game was certainly not worth buying for 60-70 dollars. Nor will it's sequels.
To quote the Lead Designer on the bonus DVD: "I'd pay 60-70 dollars just to curb stomp someone"....
Well, that's you. You must have a money tree. Good graphics, and gore don't make a game worth 10-20 dollars more than the Legend of Zelda for the Wii, or even the same price for Dead Rising (which I must have played through a million times).
If you want to play this game, rent it, it's well worth the 5-10 dollars to rent... but unless you have a money tree or LOVE online play to the point of no end (and if that's the case... just go buy World of Warcraft, then you'll get story and fighting with others... not as seamless however), DON'T buy this game.
Go buy Dead Rising, Oblivion, Condemned, or... if you MUST have a super popular game that you can pwn at, put aside some money for Halo 3 with that retarded helmet.
And if you are really awesome, you might just want to put that money down on Blue Dragon.