A great looking game that's a ton of fun.
User Rating: 9.4 | Gears of War X360
This is one of the best looking games I've ever seen. TheGraphics will blow you away in high def. The controls are good, but some times I have problems with the cover system, but for the most part it works really good. The story is very lacking, but I didn't notice that much because I was having so much fun playing. The game is on the short side, but I have played through about 4 times and it has been a ton of fun eahc time. Co-op adds some more fun to the main story, and makes it a little easier due to the fact that the second player can revive you if you fall. Online play is fun, but doesn't hold up to other fully featured online games. I have almost lost intrest in the online now that I am playing Rainbow six, but I'm sure I will make my way back to it.