speechless, utterly speechless.....
could want from a shooter. It has amazing graphics, gameplay that surpasses every control setup I have ever played with by lightyears, and an overall fun experience that will leave you craving more gun-toting, dismembering fun. The campaign is extremely fun to play through and will take quite a bit of time to finish. The story was a disappointment and the in-game dialogue was kind of childish and stupid, but all of that is eclipsed ny its online multiplayer. The locust horde is pretty difficult to kill in campaign mode, especially on insane mode. But play online against humans that strategize and are completely unpredictable and you have an extremely fun and difficult competition. Oh, I forgot to mention how fun the chainsaw bayonet is. It satisfies every sadistic crevice in my brain when I carve into my enemies. Well, I hope you found this review helpful. 'till next!
69Position 0_o