GoW is a great game.....that ends too quickly

User Rating: 9.4 | Gears of War X360
Now I'm a big fan of shooting games, and most of the 3rd person shooters I've played recently have been bad to say the least. Gears of War was not one of these, in fact, it happened to be one of the most exhilarating experiences I've had playing video games for a while...but it didn't last long enough. I was able to beat the game in about 3 days and the story explained absolutely nothing. (Can you say GoW 2?). Then I went to online play which is probably the only thing that keeps me still playing this game. The gameplay is very balanced online, the only thing that MIGHT unbalance teams is the fact that the Locust are a little bit bigger and that some of them have capes which can give away your position if hiding, but it's not enough to be an excuse for losing.