Another excellent shooter, possibly a must-have. Has some shortcomings.

User Rating: 8.2 | Gears of War X360
This game gets a lot of hype right now for its graphics. That's important, but what's more important to me is the playability. I prefer online multiplayer shooters, but I usually take a good peek at the campaigns as well. My impression is that the campaign feels smoother to me than the MP. The MP feels choppy to me (not the graphics, but the flow of the scenes during gameplay), and I hate waiting more than 5 seconds to respawn. Having to sit out the remainder of a deathmatch errs on the side of unacceptible to me. It's enough that you have to wait as long as you do in lobbies just to begin a game, to get whacked and then have to wait for the next round to respawn is simply a waste of my time. I feel too much time is spent waiting around and that's just not fun. Because of this, the matches end too quickly and abruptly; you enter the match, you die, you wait, and then BANG- somebody wins and you go on to the next round. Overall this is still an excellent game and definately worth a purchase, but I feel once the hype dies down there may be a lot of used versions for sale.

Excellent graphics. If multiplayer's your thing, rent it first. If you're in for the longer haul of the campaign, it's worth the purchase. I just don't feel it's destined to become a classic.