This game not only shows the 360 to its full potential, but it is one of the hit 2006 releases that will help blow comp.

User Rating: 9.8 | Gears of War X360
This game not only changed my mind about buying a 360 but it stole me! This game takes all the great things from a game and puts it into one big masterpiece; 1.'alien'-invasion:in a way it was an invasion but they technically lived below us, 2. lots of guns: tons of guns to pick up and swap around, 3. awesome co-op/online: like halo but better, 4. good pltline: inovative and compelling storline, 5. good characters: belieable motions, voice-overs, etc., 6. great controls: takes a while to get used to it and after that...your instantly into it, 7. diff. is awesome, not to challenging but takes awhile to figure it out, and finnaly 8. theres a frigging chainsaw-gun: speaks for itself. Over all this game **** owns! and is a must buy for all 360 owners, I beat it on hardcore in less than 8 hours. THis could quite possiably be the next Halo, or at least until Halo 3!