a true epic gameing exsperiance one that will be rememberd for years to come due to its great action and storyline

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
Gears of war is an instant classic!! great graphics, gameplay, storyline , enemys and bosses all in all this game is defenatly worth buying one of the best games i have ever played its intense its fast is got great use of cover its got everything a good game should have and some but its not perfect exsacly its a little short the there are not that many weapons that you will use reguarly but the lancer is one of the coolist weapons you will ever find in a game also there are 3 dificulties casual witch is not the one i recomend it is compleatly pointless to play through the game on such an easy dificulty setting then you have hardcore witch is just right but can get extreamly hectic so think that should have been one in between to make it more vaireed the last one is called insain witchis well insain again onther drastic change from hardcore if you are going to play on this dificulty you should defenatly compleat it a few times on hardcore first and then tackle insain.
other than that the game is perfect with fantastic multiplayer and great visuals and game play a must buy for any type of gamer