if you own a 360 or plan on buying it gears is required to blow your mind away

User Rating: 9.3 | Gears of War X360
A great game in and out. the single player was somewhat weak, but enjoyable once online playing co-op, I played it with a friend on the hardcore difficulty and it was a blast to fight the beserker on hardcore listining to each others screams of help everytime we were downed by the nasty beast. the online was also great, but after 15 hours the maps lost some of their lust but thats a very small complaint compared to the team work required to be succesful. this is no run and gun multiplayer unless of course you're a nub and have to get out that first chainsaw kill, otherwise it pays to be still and quiet, it's thrilling to be the only player left on your team and take out 4 players that are more worried about getting 100 kills with the hammer of dawn then tearing you apart with a chainsaw and then swearing at you in the game menu about how gay you are and should quit the game. definetly a must buy for any 360 owner and if you dont you might as well buy it and put it in your current system and hope to see a glimmer of what's the best game of the year and for years to come