A true next-gen shooter in every way. The upper echelon in shooting games has arrived in thunderous fashion.

User Rating: 9.7 | Gears of War X360
Imagine what you want in a shooting/action game. Go ahead, take a minute...I can wait. Ready? Okay. Now turn on Gears of War. More likely than not, at least 90% of what you had ever hoped a shooting game could be will be present in this amazing piece of software. Gears of War pushes the envelope in new and interesting ways, without making itself to convoluted to appeal to long time fans of the genre. However, the new mechanics will insure that you will never get the feeling that you have "Played this one before". If the Xbox can't create some kind of lead with this title in its wings, then Microsoft will REALLY need to start devising a new strategy for its console and game market...

HIGH POINTS: Obviously, Graphics. This game is a masterpiece. To put it into lay-terms, imagine how awesome Perfect Dark looked on the N64 when you first got it. Pretty awesome, right? Now imagine how much better Red Faction looked when that first came out. Still with me? Now imagine how much better Shrek 2 looked than Red Faction. Thats the difference between current-gen games and Gears of War. Its that definite. Not so much in simple graphics, but in the details. When monsters ('Locust') are blown apart, you can make out ORGANS! Not just red bloody-ness with a white circle in the middle. Its nutz. (thats right, nuts with a Z) But enough about that. Sound: Superb. The guns sound amazing, and the guttural screams of the locust are enough to send chills down your spine as bullets whizz by your avatars head. Also, the music sets the mood well and is enough to bring a tear to John Williams' eye. However, the REAL reasons this game is a step above its peers and why you will want to play this games are two things: gameplay and co-op. The gameplay is outstanding, and the cover mechanic is the best. You can jump out, blind-fire, hop over, and peek out from any structure in order to give you the best chance of survival in this living hell. And if you have a buddy to throw into the fire with you, the game only gets that much better. Killing aliens for the good of mankind has never been this good.

LOW POINTS: Virtually none. The only thing that I wish this game had was MORE GAME! This game isn't too short, but its such an achievement that you will no doubt want more long after the credits roll by. And, once you beat the game, there is little motivation to come back, unless you have another buddy who wants to play, or you want to beat it on a harder difficulty setting. Here's hoping that the sequel isn't too far off! Also, the story and characters are a little cliche, but its hard not to enjoy them anyway.

THE SCOOP: Anyone who has a pulse should play this game. Even if you are not typically a shooter fan, this game is worth at least a rental. This game does not operate like a typical cliche FPS at all, so if you are looking for a breath of fresh air, this game is it! This game should be the template for all upcoming shooting games! A must must play!!