By far, one of the greatest 3rd person shooters on the market, and a definate buy for any mature Xbox 360 owner.
Then I tried multiplayer. Right when I was launched into a game of 4v4, I was immediately having a good time. The multiplayer feels and is extremely tactical, and you will always want to provide supressing fire/ distract and enemy while a teammate snakes around and takes him down. Then come the various ways to finish an enemy, which provide the most satisfying ways to displease your oponent. Co-op is a blast, too, taking on the game's superb single player with a buddy. Most of the time, you are going to have to cover eachother when moving up for reviving eachother when one goes down. It's a blast on Xbox Live, system link, and split screen. However, the gameplay isn't perfect, especially in multiplayer. The only reason I say this is because I have so many experiences when I intend to dive out of cover, but instead do a SWAT turn or something like that. This only bothers you if you are trying to escape from someone, and you happen to hit the right button in the wrong way.
Also, 30% of the multiplayer servers are "laggy". Not laggy in the sense that your character, in fact that part has been perfected...! I mean laggy as in, your bullets go slower than normal, and in some cases, take 1 or more seconds to hit a surface. If you can imagine, this can get annoying as Hell. Most co-op games over Live are the same way as well. Basically, here are the Pros and Cons... Pros
-Amazing, and I mean Amazing graphics
-Silky smooth gameplay
-Great sound
-Awesome single player
-Ridiculously addictive multiplayer
-Co-op is uber fun Cons
-A few very minor gameplay issues
-Quite a few laggy servers on Live multiplayer games
-Hard to find a non-laggy Co-op game over Live
I strongly recommend Gears of War to anyone who looks for a great single player shooter, and also to those who look for a multiplayer shooter.