It's official the Xbox 360 finally has a killer-app.

User Rating: 9.7 | Gears of War X360
'Tis true. After about a year on being on the market the 360 has got a game that must be bought and loved by every gamer out there. Gears of War has a solid single player, that can be replayed over and over again. The single player is chopped up into perfect peices of gaming awesomeness, there are 5 Acts, and each Act is broken up into multiple Chapters. The game is kind of short on casual, but it is still a solid experience, while if you move up to the Hardcore and Insane difficulties you'll have a blast.

Multiplayer is where this game overtakes every other game on the next-gen market. There are three game types, Warzone (your standard team deathmatch), Execution (like Warzone, but you need to finish your enemies off with a finishing move), and Assanitation (where your main goal is to take out the other team's leader). Gears is also a solid co-op game online and off. Multiplayer maps are great and perfect for the four-on-four action. This game does have some minor flaws, online multiplayer is great but more game types would have been nice (CTF, and standard Deathmatch). Also the story line is kind of weak, and there is only one-on-one offline multiplayer. More than four-on-four multiplayer may have been better but it is not that big of an issue. This was built for clans, yet it is dissappointing that clans are not an option in this game. Overall Gears of War is a solid, worthwhile gaming experience, that should be owned by every Xbox 360 gamer. Xbox finally has its next 'Halo.'