Good in places bad in others BUT to save a game you have to be connected to Live!!! WTF? Damn you MS!
Plus side it looks great, love the one button move into cover stuff, firing over your head style, chain saw attacks, epic battles and moody graphics style.
With a little more attention to detail could have been a classic but just misses mainly because the normal mode is slightly too easy (except the last boss) and the next level up is too hard. This is due to the fact your men are dim as s*** leaving you to fight epic battles by yourself most the time and the graphical glitches in the game mean the rockets can damage you through the wall youre covering behind or the enemy spawns behind or on top of you.
The checkpoints arent right in may places as well. Sometimes the checkpoint will be before a cut scenes and some walk away from a battle so when you die you have to endure all those cut scenes and then run to the battle again, some battles on harder difficulties are pretty epic and dying can be frequent especially if you have the wrong weapon.
It's really one of games that you remember the bad points rather than it's good ones especially when you find out you played for one hour and because your internet network went down and you didnt realise before switching off it didn't save and you had to do the whole hour again!!