This game is perfect for what it offers. Fast paced, intense action. It's a bit short and vague storyline are 2 hangups.

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War is an awesome game. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes actions games or to anyone who likes games in general. It is very engaging and makes you want to keep playing. The visuals speak for themselves and the game-play (reload "sequence", ducking and covering) offer a good mix of shoot-em up yet don't leave yourself out in the open combat. It's good enough to make you pump out a hailstorm of bullets but to be mindful about how you do it. Also one word should really make you want to play this game at least once: chainsaw. After playing Gears for a little while, I got a feeling that i was really in control of the game. Running around from cover to cover, pulling of head shots, blasting random limbs off with a slick shot. It's a great feeling to know you crippled that big lumbering freak and then you can move in for the kill. Playing co-op is another highlight that adds even more fun to the game. I spent a whole afternoon playing with my cousin and all you could hear every minute or so was "Did you see that? No way, did you see that? DUDE DID YOU SEE THAT?". It's fun enough to play alone but multi-player is also awesome.