This game is sooooo sweet! For big shooter fans and gore fans buy this game!! This game is fun and never gets old!!!!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
Ok first off the game play is sweet the game never gets old and there is plenty of gore!!!! The way the game is played (hide behind anything and shoot) is fun and it makes the game fun and makes plenty of obstacles and diffrent ways to kill your foes!!! The graphics are amazing the blood the gore it is one of the best parts of the game!!! The sound, the voices are amazing I love how the curse and well joke around with eachother it makes the game show a diffrent side and adds character to it!!! Overall the game is long which is sweet and when you beat it there is plenty of Xbox Live to play and fun people to meet!!! And if you just bought the 360 the game is a perfect choice and well make sure you have a parent because this game is rated M!!!! Peace see ya playas online.